Ethereum Hackers can Unleash Full Potential with Bitcoin SV

The Advantages of BSV's Massive Blockchain Scaling

  • While Ethereum is the popular choice among developers, the platform doesn’t scale big enough for enterprise-grade solutions.
  • Try leveraging Bitcoin SV’s power and build your app on a massively scalable blockchain, with a stable platform of world-class security, supported by a global community of experienced, knowledgeable developers, who are willing to guide you.
  • With its “Genesis” hard fork in February 2020, Bitcoin SV almost completely restored Satoshi’s original protocol – no default block cap, meaning that its network can grow organically to process an unbounded number of transactions.
  • The BSV ecosystem is bustling not only with experienced developers armed with the latest dev tools but also with seasoned entrepreneurs and business leaders.
  • The BSV network’s power is recognized by global operations such as U.S. medical data company EHR Data. The company chose Bitcoin SV to create a massively scalable platform that better records and tracks opioid prescription data in real-time.

Technical Capabilities and Power of Bitcoin SV


Unbounded block size that can process all forms of data transactions.


Commitment to a stable protocol.


Professionalised engineering approach with security audits.

Payment Experience

BSV’s massive scaling enables microtransactions with fees as low as 1/100 of a U.S. cent.

Test Your Devs Skills and Win BSV Prizes

Bitcoin SV is the rebirth of the original Bitcoin. Try building on BSV and unleash your full creative potential with the true power of Bitcoin’s original design, protocol, and Satoshi Vision.

With blockchain technology expected to grow exponentially in the upcoming years, now is the time to join the BSV Hackathon and build your resume as an experienced and highly capable Bitcoin developer.

We’re giving developers around the world an opportunity to try Bitcoin SV, and to win BSV prizes.

You’ll be provided with access to a digital platform designed to facilitate collaboration between team members, as well as experts from nChain, who will be available to provide advice throughout the competition period.

Following the virtual competition period, finalists will be selected by a panel of expert judges. A representative from each finalist entry is flown to the CoinGeek Conference to make their presentation in front of a live conference audience.